10 Dog Training Tips Every Dog Owner Should Know

10 Dog Training Tips Every Dog Owner Should Know, Whenever a puppy is introduced to your family, it is vitally important that you begin to train them straight away. This way, you will be able to teach your puppy how to behave and prevent the development of unwanted traits and habits.

Using rewards during the training process is fun and helps to ensure that you establish a positive bond with your new puppy. You should start by training them within the home, and then begin to train them outside thereafter.

Taking time to train your dog properly will teach them basic skills that have a vastly beneficial effect on their lifestyle. This will be useful to you in a variety of scenarios, and crucially, will ensure that your puppy remains safe when on a walk.

The most common skills that your puppy needs to master are developed through issuing the following commands:

  • down
  • come
  • leave
  • sit. 

A top tip is to use a marker as a clear signal so that your dog is aware when they have got it right. Using words like “Good boy/good girl” is the perfect marker, and you should elevate your tone of voice so that your puppy basks in your positivity. Some common tips for training your puppy have been outlined below.

Tips For Training Your Puppy

1) You should practice your marker and commands without your puppy being present at first. This will ensure that you are clear when you are issuing your commands and avoid causing confusion for your dog.

2) You should ensure that you are training your pup within a calm space that is clear of all distractions.

3) You should ensure that your puppy has eaten properly and urinated prior to starting training.

4) It is crucial that you only use positive reinforcement when training your puppy. Rewarding them with praise or a treat will ensure that the training process remains interesting and engaging for your dog.

5) You should show your puppy what you would like them to do without physically forcing them to enact the behavior.

6) Make sure that you remain consistent and calm during the training process.

7) You should ensure that your training sessions are short and succinct. Focusing on training one behavior at a time is the best course of action.

8) You should record your progress during the training process by filming it or writing a note in a journal.

9) Remain patient during the training process. You should avoid becoming overly frustrated with your puppy and progress at a slower pace if needs be.

10) You should try to have as much fun as possible during the training process, if your or your puppy becomes stressed, then you should try again another day.

It is crucial to note that puppies do not know what sit or leave means until they have been taught and they may also display a plethora of other unpleasant behaviors. This could be going to the toilet inside the house or tugging on the lead. You will need to prevent these habits before they develop fully.

If your puppy’s behavior gets worse despite your efforts, then you should contact your vet as they will be able to put you in contact with an accredited animal behaviorist.

What Is The Most Effective Dog Training Method?

Positive reinforcement training is undoubtedly the best method of trading your puppy. This is because this method focuses on positive rewards for your pet when they issue good behavior, as opposed to punishing them for negative traits.

Why Does My Dog Ignore Me When I Call Them?

In order to get your dog to reliably come to you when they are called, it is crucial to know the reasons why they may not be coming to you when you call them. Some dogs do not immediately come to their owners when called as they are fearful. Distracted, or confused. Thus, implementing a gradual training process incorporating positive reinforcement techniques is undoubtedly the best way to make sure that your dog returns to you when called.

What Disciplinary Methods Are Considered To Be Beneficial?

Some other disciplinary methods that are considered to be beneficial and positive include the following:

1) Time outs

2) Using your voice as opposed to striking your dog

3) Taking away your dogs toys

4) Avoid paying attention to your pooch whenever they are misbehaving.


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