Wet vs. Dry Cat Food: Which Should You Choose?

People with cats tend to ask whether wet or dry cat food is better for their pets. However, the answer isn’t black and white. Both wet and dry cat food has pros and cons, which a cat owner should consider when deciding what to feed their cat.

Understanding the Difference

Most commercial cat foods, like Black Hawk Cat Food, are excellent nutrition sources. However, finding the best cat food for your cat will be based on multiple factors, which include the following:

  • Your cat’s health and any present health conditions;
  • Your cat’s weight;
  • Your budget.

It’s essential to know that your veterinarian can decide on feeding your cat wet, dry, or both types of cat food. Thus, it would be best to consult first. Below is some point of view on wet and dry food:

Moisture Levels

The amount of water mixed in cat food is the main difference between the two types of cat food. Dry food has 10% water and 90% dry matter, like vitamins, carbohydrates, and fats. On the other hand, wet cat food has 70% water and 30% dry matter.

Manufacturing Process

As mentioned earlier, the moisture level in wet or canned cat food is higher than in dry cat food. Given this fact, this type of food is typically made with frozen or fresh meats combined with protein sources that may come from grains. Moreover, these meats are blended with fats, vitamins, and water before being sealed in a can. Finally, the canning process undergoes heating, ensuring the foodborne pathogens are eradicated.

On the other hand, dry food is combined by mixing and then cooking fats, vitamins, minerals, and meats at high pressure and temperature. This process makes the starch more digestible. Moreover, in most cases, manufacturers spray fat on the food to ensure it’s appetizing for your pet.


Regarding nutrients, dry cat food has more carbohydrates than wet cat food. Besides this, the fat and protein will depend on the type of diet of your cat. Furthermore, some manufacturers add probiotics to their formulations.

Wet Cat Foods: Pros and Cons

Due to the amount of moisture, wet food is perfect for cats with more water intake, like cats with kidney disease, cystitis, or urinary crystals. Moreover, low-carbohydrate diets are suggested for cats with diabetes, and wet cat food typically satisfies that requirement.

It’s essential to know that a cat’s diet should have high amounts of protein, minimal carbohydrates, and moderate fat. Your cat can acquire all of these by consuming wet cat food. Besides this, most cats love to eat wet food, especially the old and picky eaters.

Wet cat food has a soft texture. Thus, it’s a great option for older cats with dental problems. However, one of the drawbacks of choosing cat food is that it can cost more than dry cat food.

It’s also critical to note that wet cat food is quickly perishable. It’s highly recommended to pick up your cat’s wet food after a few hours to prevent spoilage. This makes it challenging for cats that like to nibble from time to time during the day, especially if you can’t feed your pet at a specific time because you must go to work.

Dry Cat Food: Pros and Cons

A higher amount of carbohydrates and lesser protein is the formulation for dry cat food. Although cats can absorb and digest nutrients from carbohydrates, it’s crucial to note that they have no minimum nutritional requirement. Furthermore, since they are considered carnivores, their bodies require more protein.

You might hear that dry cat food is more beneficial for cats since it can clean the teeth. However, this is just a myth. It’s vital to remember that cats generally swallow rather than chew their foods. Thus, they aren’t munching on dry food that much.

You can keep dry cat food out all day, and won’t spoil. This is perfect for cats who like to eat from time to time. However, always remember not to put too much on your cat’s bowl, or they might become overweight.

Cat Food
Cat Food
Best of Both Worlds

Feeding your cat wet and dry foods is also an option you can consider. For example, you can give your pet dry food in the morning, then go to work and then provide them with wet food once you return. Furthermore, you can mix both if your cat prefers to eat all their food.

If you have a kitten, it’s also recommended to give them a combination of wet and dry food early. This is the stage where cats develop their preference for texture and taste. Thus, if you feed your kitten only wet food, they might not like dry food in the long run (and vice versa).

To Sum It Up

You can decide to feed your cat wet, dry, or both types of cat food with the guidance of your veterinarian. However, it’s vital to note that your cat’s diet will depend on several factors. Furthermore, you can know more about these factors by having a complete nutritional evaluation, which includes your cat’s health condition and diet history.

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